Contact Lone Prairie Grain Inc |
Lone Prairie Grain's main location is located 1/2 mile North of Maddock, ND on Hwy 30.
Our Tunbridge, ND location is located 5 miles West of Rugby, ND on Hwy 2 then 1 mile North.
All deliveries are by appointment ONLY. Please call for scheduling!
Cell- 701-240-5010
Office- 701-438-2441
Office Fax- 701-438-2484
Office Cell - 701-351-2379
E-mail us at:
Owner - Scott Foss - scottfoss@gondtc.com
Foss Trucking Office - Vicki Foss - loneprairie@gondtc.com
Office/Logistics - fosstrucking@gondtc.com or loneprairie@gondtc.com